
Choose the feature set that matches your needs.
Save big with yearly billing.

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when billed monthly
when billed annually
when billed monthly
when billed annually
when billed monthly
when billed annually
Unlimited docs
Create as many documents as you need.
Assessment scoring charts
Get access to our library of more than 80 common assessment scoring charts. Fill in scores directly in our software and include the chart and description in your final report.
Automatic assessment interpretations
Based on your answers to the questionnaire, individualized interpretations are automatically included in your report.
Custom goal bank
Input then quickly reuse your custom goals across all your documents, with the student's name automatically inserted into the goal.
Hide questions
Hide any question that you don't normally answer. This results in a customized questionnaire for you and greatly speeds up your report writing time.
Include your signature
Upload an image of your signature and we'll automatically insert it into the downloaded report. No more printing, signing and scanning!
Custom doc header
Upload your school or clinic logo and add the name and address. They'll be automatically included in the header of your downloaded docs.
Shared custom doc header
With a team account, share your custom doc header with your whole team to have one consistent document format.
Add and remove users
The team admin can add and remove users from the team as needed.
Single invoice
Get one invoice that covers as many therapists as needed. Volume discounts apply to larger teams.
Admin can view all team docs
The admin can view their team members' docs at any time to monitor progress and quality.
Free team training workshops
Get your team up to speed on our software with free training workshops. Schedule as many as you'd like.
Need team pricing?

Please fill out our short contact form to receive info and a quote for your school district or private therapy clinic.

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